It hasn’t been a particularly good couple of weeks in the
land of CCGS.. nothing big really but lots of hassle that makes doing the job
difficult and increases stress… no
amount of zumba can take away the stresses of not being able to get on with the
job because we don’t have phones or emails and it is amazing how much time you can lose trying to
retrieve lost diaries…
But.. then we had Tuesday and an “open space” event… about care for older
people.. I have never been to one of these before and it was new to most of us and a bit daunting… no sitting quietly in the back of the meeting
planning quietly what you are going to cook for tea.. no this was all about
full on participation .. listening and contributing…It was part of a piece of
public engagement we are running called “fit 4 the future” and involved all our local stakeholders..
public.. private ..voluntary… it was great . 70 people came and there was so
much energy and positivity in the
room. And I thought that I wish our public could see this.. see how passionate the people who work in our many services are. How
much they want to make things better, that despite cut backs and staff shortages and so much negative coverage in the media
about older peoples services these people really care.
People had lots of ideas…some new…some a little off the
wall…So much of what we talked
about was about how we work together across the organisational boundaries that divide us to do the
right things and make it better…accepting that there will always been boundaries
somewhere and it is easy to use
these as excuses to do nothing…
And we talked about how
many times we have all been here
before.. said the same things before… can it really be different this time?
Well.. yes I hope so.. and I told my story about the patient who came to see
me for help giving up smoking.. they said sheepishly… well I have tried 4 times
before and FAILED… and my reply was as it always is.. they were not failures
they were rehearsals…. So lets hope that just like the smoker desperate to give
up… we desperate to get it right this time can learn from all those many
rehearsals we have all participated in before. .learn from why they didn’t work
and get it right ( or at least
most of it) this time…
So I went away from that day feeling tired but so much more
positive.. buoyed by the commitment of so many people who just want to get it
right and who despite everything care so much…